Full Name
Jun Gyu Park
Speaker Bio
Sanghoon Lee is the Administrator of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), the national standards body of Republic of Korea representing all of ministries in the field of standardization. He holds Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Han-yang University in Republic of Korea and Master’s degree in science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has more than 20 years of government experience in management and administrations. He is a standardization expert as he gained the knowledge and experience by serving as a director general of Bureau of Standardization Policy in KATS (2018-2020). He has been contributing to international standardization works as an ISO Council member and President of IEC National Committee of Korea since 2020.

2001 ~ 2003 Secretary, Internet policy division, Ministry of Science and ICT
2003 ~ 2006 Dispatch, Presidential advisory council on science & technology
2006 ~ 2008 Director of Radio wave management division, Ministry of Science and ICT
2008 ~ 2009 Director of Software promotion division, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
2009 ~ 2013 Director of Software policy division, Ministry of Knowledge Economy
2013 ~ 2015 Director of Energy demand management division, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy
2015 ~ 2017 Director General for Special disaster support, Ministry of Public Safety and
2017 ~ 2018 Director General for Technology policy, Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy
2018 ~ 2021 Director General for Bureau of Standards Policy, Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
2021~ Present Administrator of Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
Jun Gyu Park